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ECO-CITY award for the Zero Energy Treatment Plant
Data dodania 2017-12-14 Cofnij Rozmiar czcionki Drukuj

The Kraków Municipality has been honoured in the ECO-CITY (ECO-MIASTO) competition. The purpose of the competition is to promote sustainable urban development and support environmental policies. The prize in the „Water Management” category was awarded for the action taken by the Kraków Water as part of the „Zero Energy Sewage Treatment Plant” project.

29 cities took part in the 2016 edition of the competition. Kraków was honoured in the „Water Management” category as a city above 100,000 residents. The honoured project, „Zero Energy Sewage Treatment Plant” is being implemented as part of the Gekon – Environmental Concept Generator – Programme by the Kraków Waterworks with the support of the Stanisław Staszic AGH University of Science and Technology of Kraków and co-financing from the National Research and Development Centre. The purpose of the project was to create an Integrated Energy Efficiency System that would reduce energy consumption at the Płaszów Sewage Treatment Plant and, at the same time, increase its generation from renewable sources.

Ecocity. A few blocks of flats, lots of trees.